As one of London's oldest stores Fortnum and Mason has been delivering sumptuous luxury hampers, the best quality food and the finest afternoon tea's for over 300 years.
In the run-up to Christmas with everyone getting busier our Seeker of the Month Sefakora Amedewonu is working full-time hours to keep the beautiful cakes, hampers, and shops stocked with the most beautiful cakes sweets and treats.
We caught up with her to discuss why she has chosen to work with Gig.
How long have you worked in Hospitality
I have been a Chef ‘forever’.
I got my Diploma in Catering at Westminster college in Victoria then went to University TVU for Hospitality Management. I wanted to see the other side of Hospitality in case I didn’t want to be a Chef forever.
How long have you worked for GIG
Since the beginning of the year (2019) and I've been doing full time hours since then. I have worked in a number of places but am working at Fortnum & Mason full time for now.
What do you like about GIG?
I like the flexibility, but I also like routine. For me the ability to choose to only work weekdays is key. I want my weekends to spend with my family. I have children who are at school all week so I want to be able to spend the weekends with them. There aren't many Chef jobs that give that flexibility.
So far its worked out great - kids grow up so fast that I don't want to miss that time with them but I love being a chef and that's why GIG is the perfect fit for me.
How did you hear about GIG?
My friend was actually coming in for a waitress job. I was looking for work, had many job offers at the time, but I was tempted by the flexibility which none of the others could offer.
Ironically my friend never ended up working for GIG but I am very happy she introduced me.
You tend to work on Rota's with GIG is there a reason for that?
I love the ability to choose when and where you work however, it is nice to have some time in one place. Especially as a Chef. No kitchen is the same and you can get used to where things are and how they like things done.
What is your favourite thing to make?
I am a Pastry Chef so sweet things. I love the delicateness, its an accurate science and its fun wowing people. I love to make things look almost too beautiful to eat.
My next favourite thing is Seafood, because I get to work in different places I get to explore lots of new dishes.
Do you think you will stay as a Chef or use your Hospitality Management degree and move into that side?
I am happy as a Chef. I have it as a back up and may look to it in the future - although not Accommodation Management I hated that module! For now I am definitely happy as a Chef.
Whats been your favourite place to work during your career
A highlight for me was working with Allegra McEvedy in her Exmoth Market restaurant, Black Foot.
I am also really enjoying Fortnum and Masons. It's a fast paced kitchen and good fun. I like to be busy and get a lot done in the day.
Sefakora with Gig Account Manager Jack